In 2010 we got a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis for our son Isaac who was then 27 months old. For a year and a half we had been concerned about his persistent soft stools. Now that we're going down the road of living with IBD in our house, we want to be able to share our story, connect with similar families or individuals, and increase our awareness of the experience of others.

Some of our related interests are diet, kids and families with IBD, and discussing and sharing experiences.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

normal sickness and UC

We haven't yet determined how normal sicknesses affect Isaac, but right now we're getting some ideas. A couple days after the last episode I wrote about, with the diarrhea, Isaac began throwing up. Of course, the first time, we didn't suspect it was anything more than an isolated event, but it was weird, because he vomited after taking his probiotic capsule (He has recently become good about taking pills--which is a whole other subject to blog about because that is one challenge of meds and young'uns.) and curiously, the pill itself stayed down. After that, at dinner, he spewed all of the rice milk he had drunk when we finally got him to take a bite of his food. At this point we were thinking that maybe he has a sort of upset stomach or that he had some bug. After he threw up that time, he did eat some more of his food without a problem.

Well, the next day, Bonnie reported that it seemed evident to her that he had learned how to throw up in defiance when we try to get him to eat something he doesn't want to eat. But as it is, we're not a 100% sure of that either, because he did develop a fever that day, which has persisted throughout today, and now he has a little sneezing, coughing, and sinus drip. In short, it seems like he has a little cold, and right now we're in observation mode because he has it, the other kids don't, and we hope it doesn't trigger a bowel issue or something like that. His appetite has definitely been down the last couple days, and he's had some tylenol and some cough medicine to help with some symptoms. Thankfully, his poop has seemed okay and he is on a regular sort of schedule even though it's twice a day since his last diarrhea episode I wrote about.

We have finally got into a good habit with our diet/symptom diary. We used Matt's spreadsheets (found in the left margin here), adjusted a little for our needs, and it's a great tool for us not only for the documentation and record keeping, but also for the reflecting and together time and discussion it promotes every evening when we fill it out.

1 comment:

  1. bonnie says: the other kids have it now, and isaac doesn't. annie seems to be the worst, though. and he seems to be going every other day now. i don't know if that is strange or not. i told the doctor that sometimes he goes every other day, and he seemed a bit surprised, but in a good way...maybe. i'm not sure. i need to ask the doctor directly if that pooping pattern is okay. i'm sure that you don't want him to be on the other end of the spectrum, right? constipated vs. diarrhea... are they equally bad for someone with UC?
