In 2010 we got a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis for our son Isaac who was then 27 months old. For a year and a half we had been concerned about his persistent soft stools. Now that we're going down the road of living with IBD in our house, we want to be able to share our story, connect with similar families or individuals, and increase our awareness of the experience of others.

Some of our related interests are diet, kids and families with IBD, and discussing and sharing experiences.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Isaac these days

Since I'm changing the website photo I thought I'd put up the old one, plus a bonus photo of little Isaac. He's turning 3 in 8 days!

The med situation is that we are tapering down the steroids (the rate will depend on analysis of his blood--to see how much the Imuran is affecting him by now). Isaac's response to steroids wasn't as responsive this time as before--as far as his mood changes and "wiredness". About affecting his bowels, let us give the poop scoop below. We haven't started the VSL#3s yet but it's in the plans. Since he's doing alright, we might just wait for another relapse or hint of relapse before we try that....

Poop scoop: All better as far as poop goes. We're seeing nice 3s and 4s every day or every other day, and there seems to be no other indication of inflammation as far as we can tell....


  1. great new picture! great about the poop scoop!

  2. Happy Belated Birthday Isaac!!

    What a wonderful little blessing you have in your home.

    Ps - you need to change your subheadings now ;)

  3. Thanks! You're right! We'll go from two-year-old to three....
