In 2010 we got a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis for our son Isaac who was then 27 months old. For a year and a half we had been concerned about his persistent soft stools. Now that we're going down the road of living with IBD in our house, we want to be able to share our story, connect with similar families or individuals, and increase our awareness of the experience of others.

Some of our related interests are diet, kids and families with IBD, and discussing and sharing experiences.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

IBD Jigsaw Challenge

How are your jigsaw skills? How are your competitive skills? Here is an online jigsaw puzzle challenge for you (my time was 54 sec). While you solve it, say a little prayer (or otherwise send some good thoughts) for all people with ulcerative colitis or Crohn's.

Crohnies and other IBD peeps, at that site, make your own puzzle with a picture of you and come back and post the URL here in the comments!

1 comment:

  1. Fun puzzle! I pray for Isaac every day, whether I'm solving puzzles or not! Love, M
