Isaac is doing great these days, with nice normal poops, no apparent pain or problems. Our goal, as I mentioned, is to keep with our same routines for an extended time period and see how stable he stays and for how long.
Meanwhile, we have been perusing Crohn's Forum because it's a massive forum of people and families with family members who have IBD. Because IBD is a little under the radar in most social discourse, it might be surprising to people unaware how many people are affected and to what extent. Actually, sorting through the various statistics are dizzying, and I didn't find anything conclusive enough to post. But because it does affect so much those of us it affects, it is worth opening up social discourse to include it, and by the way, it's nice to be able to network with people who are going through similar experiences. Plus, since we are somewhat few and far between--and most times invisible to each other anyway, a website where people come together with IBD as a common denominator means you're going to get a lot more first-hand experience and observations.
I started listing links and sites on the right of the blog so you can visit other people's blogs, or information sites if you so desire.
Another thing I've been thinking about lately is my own immune system. When I was young I had such issues with allergies and asthma--so I want to explore more to see how my immune system might actually have been doing something similar (perhaps) to Isaac's. Also, for example, I want to explore a little more the possible incidence of IBD in my family members. Not the sort of IBD that gets you medicated and surgeries--but more like chronic diarrhea. And my mom seemed to have a lactose intolerance if I remember right. I'm curiouser and curiouser about all of this and how it relates.
In 2010 we got a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis for our son Isaac who was then 27 months old. For a year and a half we had been concerned about his persistent soft stools. Now that we're going down the road of living with IBD in our house, we want to be able to share our story, connect with similar families or individuals, and increase our awareness of the experience of others.
Some of our related interests are diet, kids and families with IBD, and discussing and sharing experiences.
Good blog.